Welcome back players, to our weekly roundup of new releases. This week is a massive one - plenty of fun stuff from Games Workshop, Fantasy Flight, Wizards of the Coast and all your favourite board game producers. Let's get into it!
We're kicking off today with Games Workshop, and I've got a sneaking suspicion Khorne himself has taken over at Warhammer World. There's blood everywhere. Exciting new sets for Blood Bowl and the Blood Angels dominate the preorders - the sons of Sanguinius finally receive their Codex and Datacards, along with their very own Primaris Hellblasters, Intercessors and Aggressors! Even better, a named Blood Angel Primaris character completes the set. Intriguing!
The Old World's sporting scene celebrates the arrival of the Elfheim Eagles, with their own cards, dice and pitch (just one of four new pitches!) The Inaugural Almanac is here too, complete with rules from Death Zone! 1 and 2, as well as new rules for running a league, arranging sponsorships and more.
Fantasy Flight Games are up next, and what a week! Fallout the board game is here! Combining Fantasy Flight miniatures with Bethesda gameplay, we're very excited to crack this one open.
We also have a narrative game set in the Runebound universe. Legacy of Dragonholt is a cooperative adventure for up to 6 players, with an innovative play system where your choices have far-reaching consequences...
Sid Meiers is also back, with Civilization: A New Dawn. This new take on a classic game presents players with an undiscovered country to conquer. Construct and populate the map with barbarians, natural resources, and city-states, then formulate your plans for how to shape this world to your vision.
X-Wing boasts 5 - count them! - new expansions up for preorder this week: The sinister TIE Silencer, the Phantom II of Rebels fame, the brutal M12-L Kimogila, the Imperial Alpha-class Star Wing and the trusty Resistance Bomber.
Armada fans, fear not. No new expansions this week, but we at JustPlay have some BIG NEWS for you!
Finally from FFG, a huge release from the Legend of the Five Rings universe! Not only is the latest Imperial Cycle expansion, Fate Has No Secrets, here, but the utterly epic Battle for Rokugan strategic board game is out too, for a whole new way to prove your clan's superiority over your weakling rivals.
Last, but by no means least, a wacky offering from Magic: The Gathering. Unstable features unpredictable contraptions, bizarre spliceable combi-creatures and... Goblin Explosioneers?! Uh oh. Don't miss our Unstable Draft weekend event on the 8th!
Players, that's all for this week. I hope your appetites for new playthings are suitably satisfied! We'll see you very soon.
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