Greetings players and welcome back. Hasn't it been quiet?
NOPE - the Internet's been non-stop gabbling game talk, and here's why... New releases coming up.
Daughters of Khaine
The writers for Age of Sigmar play faster and looser with the word "mortal" in their Mortal Realms every time something new comes out, and Morathi is no exception. The dark queen is back and badder than ever! She's certainly got our resident Kharadron Admiral extremely worried.
Visually, this might be the best sculpt I've ever seen from Games Workshop, and I can't wait to see what comes next.
Daughters of Khaine Battletome, Warscroll cards and dice are all coming too, so there's never been a better time to stock up on Witch Aelves and master their gruesome way of war. Get them HERE now! BLOOD FOR THE - wait, wrong one. Moving on...
X-Wing Wave 7
Facebook group for Games Workshop tabletop games
Facebook group for Dragon Ball Super
Thanks again players, for reading, for supporting, and most of all for playing! You're the best. Catch you next time.
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