Yesterday we hosted the Star Wars: Armada regionals, and it was a spaceship party like we've never seen! New venue, brilliant event sponsorship from Ultimate Guard (thanks for the new mats and prize support!), and lots of new faces. What more could you want?
How about a roundup of the top 4 lists from the day, for your enjoyment and education? Drink it in, players - some of this might come as a surprise.
Our first featured list is James Stead's Imperial Navy, a admirable admiral narrowly missing out on the podium spot.
Assault Proton Torpedoes [5pts], Ordnance Experts [4pts], •Demolisher [10pts]
External Racks [3pts], Leading Shots [4pts], •Admiral Sloane [24pts], •Avenger [5pts], •Strategic Advisor [4pts]
Weapons Team & Offensive Retrofit Upgrade
JumpMaster 5000 [12pts]
•Colonel Jendon [20pts]
•Maarek Stele [21pts]
•"Mauler" Mithel [15pts], •Valen Rudor [13pts]
•Ciena Ree [17pts]
Advanced Gunnery
Contested Outpost
Intel Sweep
In third, a highly communicative Rebel list from York Garrison's Andy Richardson synergised its way onto the podium:
Andy Richardson 398/400.
MC80 Command Cruiser (106)
-Rieekan (30)
-Fighter coordination team (3)
-ECMs (7)
-Adar Tallon (10)
-Boosted Comms (4) = 160
Nebulon-B Escort Frigate (57)
-Yavaris (5)
-Fighter coordination team (3)
-Flight commander (3) = 68
GR-75 medium transport (18)
-Bomber command centre (8) = 26
GR-75 medium transport (18)
-Comms net (2) = 20
Wedge Antilles (19)
Dutch Vander (16)
Jan Orrs (19)
2 x B-Wings (28)
Gold Squadron (12)
Shara Bey (17)
X-Wing (13) = 124
Most Wanted, Capture the VIP, Solar Corona.
Second place went to Gideon Lowes' dual-ISD list. Intimidation without equal here, clocking in at a rather blasé 379 points!
Faction: Imperial
Commander: Darth Vader
Assault: Most Wanted
Defense: Capture the VIP
Navigation: Intel Sweep
Gozanti Cruisers (23)
= 23 Points
ISD Cymoon 1 Refit (112)
• Darth Vader (36)
• Strategic Adviser (4)
• Gunnery Team (7)
• Quad Turbolaser Cannons (10)
• H9 Turbolasers (8)
• Devastator (10)
= 187 Points
ISD Kuat Refit (112)
• Governor Pryce (7)
• Boarding Troopers (3)
• Early Warning System (7)
• External Racks (3)
• Avenger (5)
= 137 Points
• Ciena Ree (17)
• Lambda Shuttle (15)
= 32 Points
Total Points: 379
And finally our winner, James McGovern from Team JustPlay! Congratulations on squeezing this classic Rebel list for all it was worth.
Faction: Rebel Alliance
Points: 400/400
Commander: General Rieekan
Assault Objective: Most Wanted
Defense Objective: Hyperspace Assault
Navigation Objective: Navigational Hazards
[ flagship ] Nebulon-B Escort Frigate (57 points)
- General Rieekan ( 30 points)
- Yavaris ( 5 points)
- Flight Commander ( 3 points)
- Fighter Coordination Team ( 3 points)
= 98 total ship cost
MC30c Torpedo Frigate (63 points)
- Admonition ( 8 points)
- Lando Calrissian ( 4 points)
- Ordnance Experts ( 4 points)
- H9 Turbolasers ( 8 points)
- Assault Proton Torpedoes ( 5 points)
= 92 total ship cost
GR-75 Medium Transports (18 points)
- Leia Organa ( 3 points)
- Comms Net ( 2 points)
= 23 total ship cost
GR-75 Medium Transports (18 points)
- Bright Hope ( 2 points)
- Toryn Farr ( 7 points)
- Jamming Field ( 2 points)
= 29 total ship cost
GR-75 Medium Transports (18 points)
- Ahsoka Tano ( 2 points)
- Bomber Command Center ( 8 points)
= 28 total ship cost
1 Ten Numb ( 19 points)
1 Keyan Farlander ( 20 points)
1 Dagger Squadron ( 15 points)
1 Biggs Darklighter ( 19 points)
2 YT-1300s ( 26 points)
1 Jan Ors ( 19 points)
1 HWK-290 ( 12 points)
Think you could have done better with a different list? Shocked at the lack of new expansions in the top spots? Put your turbolasers where your mouth is at our next event on March 23:
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