Its finally all over the leagues have finished we have got though a outstanding amount of games of Blood Bowl and the final Standings are here!
First thanks to everyone who joined in even if it was just showing your interest and trying to make all your games I know its a big commitment so thank you VERY VERY much to all those who played every game out. In particular those who may not have had a chance at the title or a play off spot and still organised all their games and have been very active in the community group. I know it got hard for those last few weeks and we seen a few drops then but thank you everyone.
Two people stand out as meeting this criteria rain or shine, dead lineman or dead star players nothing stopped these guys turning out and would like to invite them both to coach in the Pro Bowl Draft and Game taking each other on one last time. Chris Farrie and Calavera Lugosi thanks for being great sports and showing us why we all ultimately play this game, for fun!
Now onto the final standings!
Starting with Central
A miracle did not go Andrew's way and Simon just kept Mathew out of third. Congrats to Christian in his first table top event taking the crown!
Now onto the West it was all to play for if you remember
A close run in! Nathan finished off Leo 4-1 and Tom beat Chris but could not over take the scoring machine that is the Skaven on Tie Breakers. They Meet again in the Wild Card Round!
Finally the East!
Well done the dominate force that was James Taylors Greasby Graverunners only 1 draw all season Nathan his only upset!
Well that's the end of the league its on to the play offs we are looking at the date for the finals day again as the 29th had a lot of clashes for the top finishing players. But until then the wild card round can begin come and see me for any last min team sheet adjustments needed for byes and get your games arranged.
Congratulations to all that made it a outstanding achievement
Now its not all over for everyone else in my last post I mentioned the Pro Bowl I would like to invite all coaches to nominate 3 of their players for the Pro Bowl were they will take part in a All Star Game coached by Chris and Cal! just let me know in store who you want to nominate and I will add it to my draft class!
Again thank you all for taking part I am sorry these updates were not as regular as I would have liked but I am looking for a new commissioner for next season to help run the Eirie Downs Season 2!
Richard Von Macanov.
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