Annoucing Our First Store Champion!

Annoucing Our First Store Champion!

Ritchie McAlley

We have been talking to many of you since we announced our Store Champion Program and today we are pleased to let you all know that we have selected our first!

Nathan Foster is already heavily involved in all things Age of Sigmar at JustPlay and is currently running a ladder in store for the game. Nathan is planning to attend many events already and encourages others to attend, which in turn helps us to reach a larger crowd and brings new players to the community for you all to play against!

You may reconise our store model ! 

So, thank you Nathan for stepping up and offering to help grow the game you are passionate about.

Nathan will receive free entry to all tournaments held at JustPlay for Age of Sigmar as well as additional 10% discount on all Age of Sigmar products.

If you are interested in applying for your favourite games system check out our post with all of the relevant details. We are still looking for people to champion the following games:

  • A Game of Thrones: Second Edition
  • Android Netrunner
  • Blood Bowl
  • Bushido
  • Guild Ball
  • Magic: The Gathering
  • Star Wars: X-Wing
  • Star Wars: Armada
  • Star Wars: Imperial Assault
  • Vs System
  • Warhammer 40,000

Thanks for reading!


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