Q1 Tournament Report: TOP 4 X-WING LISTS

Ash Gavin
The weekend's top 4 finishing lists for your enjoyment and education!

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X-Wing October Tournament Report and Top 4 Lists

Ian O'Brien

October 30th saw sixteen pilots battling it out for a cut to Top 4 and a chance to be crowned Champion in another awesome monthly X-Wing tournament at JustPlay! On the line this month were Summer Kit prizes as well as £30 store credit to the winner and £20 to second place.

Faction Breakdown:

  • Imperial 5
  • Rebel 6
  • Scum 5

After 4 rounds of action the final standings looked like this

With Tom 'Twiggy' Williams going 4-0 in the swiss part of the event, this left 4 players on 3-1 with Stephen Jones just missing the cut on Margin of Victory (one more damage to a K-Wing on 1 hull in his last game could have made that difference but time was called and he escaped!)

Top 4 Lists:

Tom Williams (Scum Aces)

Edward Holmes (Palp Defenders)

Christopher Zee (Han/Poe)

James Durr (Palp Defenders)

The Top 4 saw James vs Tom and Edward vs Chris in the semi finals, Edward convincingly dispatched Chris but on the next table a long duel was taking place between Fenn Rau and many Tie Defenders - one by one he took them all down, a feat which he would try to repeat in the final!

Edward, seeing the damage that Fenn was doing to the Defenders and already losing to Tom in the swiss intended to deal with him quickly in the final game but after Fenn Rau ended up far out of position due to a misjudged maneuver against the Imperial Shuttle, Kavil's Y-Wing went down first. Luckily for Edward the Imperial Shuttle carrying the Emperor held out a turn or two longer than expected against Fenn Rau allowing him to deal with Manaroo on his own. Once again it was Fenn vs Defenders, but this time it was not to be; Fenn took down one Defenders but then eventually lost the duel after a Critical hit reduced Fenn's pilot skill to zero making it eaier for the remaining Defender to catch him in-arc, the final shot coming right on the edge of range 3.

Congratulations to Edward Holmes!

Our final Summer Kit tournament (with additional store credit as prize support as always!) is on 26/11/16; you can grab you tickets here and don't forget to sign in on Facebook!


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