Q1 Tournament Report: TOP 4 X-WING LISTS

Q1 Tournament Report: TOP 4 X-WING LISTS

Ash Gavin

This weekend was another awesome one for X-Wing at Justplay! 28 aces from around the country packed into the store, with a brilliant spread of lists and tactics. We've gathered some highlights for you, and reveal the 4 top finishers and their lists!

Immediately before Defender removal...

Despite some strong Imperial and Scum presence - Kylo Ren in Silencer with a pair of Alpha Star Wings only hit 13th place, and some imaginative Dengar/Ventress combos never climbed above 15th - we found ourselves facing not only an all-Rebel semi final, but a entirely Rebel-aligned top 10!

Captain Nym in the Scurrg Bomber and Miranda Doni in the K-Wing were well represented throughout the ranks, with Nym/Scurrg in particular found as low down as 22nd place, and as high as... well, you'll see! Just goes to show, if nothing else, that even with potent list building, nothing is certain.

Our first featured list is from the Nym & Doni Hall Of Mirrors - 4th place Adam Shipley. 

Captain Nym Scurrg, H-6 Bomber
Veteran Instincts + Twin Laser Turret + Extra Munitions + Harpoon Missiles + Proton Bombs + Seismic Charges + Havoc + Long-Range Scanners + Trajectory Simulator + "Genius"

Miranda Doni, K-Wing 
Twin Laser Turret + Extra Munitions + Harpoon Missiles + Sabine Wren + Bomblet Generator + Long-Range Scanners 


Harpoons and Proton Bombs performed well throughout the day, and this list was one of the strongest we saw, but met its match in the semi-final, eventually taking the 4th spot. Extra props for the R2-D2 dice tower, however.

Just denied a spot in the final, and our third place finisher, was a list we were very pleased to see taking flight - the triple threat X-Wing squadron of Mike Guina!

Poe Dameron, T-70 X-Wing 
Intensity + BB-8 + Primed Thrusters + Integrated Astromech + Black One

Nien Nunb, T-70 X-Wing 
Snap Shot + R3-A2 + Integrated Astromech

Jess Pava, T-70 X-Wing 
M9-G8 + Integrated Astromech



Poe and friends performed exactly how you'd want them to all day, and Mike flew them beautifully, but came up against an immovable object in their semi-final match, ending on a well-deserved third. I may be late to the party with this, but it's nice to see X-Wings doing well in X-Wing!

Now for the final! After defeating Adam's Nym/Miranda list with an almost exact mirror - only switching out the seismic charges for thermal detonators - Simeon Dellapina was undefeated and had in fact barely taken damage all day. Up against it was David Friend, also flying Nym in the Scurrg, but accompanied here by Dash Rendar in the YT-2400.



These two met on the top table before the cut, and after leading for most of the match on points, with both Nyms out of action, Dave found himself unable to shoot down Miranda, and a crit sent all of his turn moves red. Simeon kept the pressure up just enough for Dash to "try something stupid" in Dave's words, and flew off the board.

In the final it was clear that Simeon's Nym was the priority target. With equal PS but a better bid, they couldn't be outflown, so they had to be outgunned. That went to plan, and after a bit of careful bomblet dancing, Dave pulled out a perfect Forward 3 trajectory bomb for the win! 



Here are those top 2 lists in full: 

Simeon's "Nymanda" (2nd Place)

Captain Nym, Scurrg H-6 Bomber
Veteran Instincts + Twin Laser Turret + Extra Munitions + Harpoon Missiles + Thermal Detonators + Proton Bombs + Havoc + Long-Range Scanners + Trajectory Simulator + "Genius"

Miranda Doni, K-Wing
Twin Laser Turret + Harpoon Missiles + Sabine Wren + Bomblet Generator + Long-Range Scanners 


Dave's "DAVE" (1st Place)

Captain Nym, Scurrg H-6 Bomber 
Veteran Instincts  + Twin Laser Turret  + Extra Munitions + Bomblet Generator + Havoc + Trajectory Simulator  + "Genius" 

Dash Rendar, YT-2400 
Lone Wolf + Heavy Laser Cannon + Rey + Outrider + Smuggling Compartment + Counter-measures 


All in all, we've learned a lot about the power of the harpoon and the proton bomb this weekend. Plenty of players got plenty of practise for Regionals, we all had a blast, and I fully expect Sim to come and murder me for sharing his top secret list with you all. Not really. I hope.

You can check out all 28 lists here

Cheers, players! See you next time!

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