JustPlay and Legend of the Five Rings.

JustPlay and Legend of the Five Rings.

Ritchie McAlley

We have some great offers on for the latest release from Fantasy Flight Games but first you might be wondering; why are we so excited for the release of Legend of the Five Rings (L5R)?

There would certainly be no JustPlay with out L5R. Playing this game was how Ritchie and Ian first met when playing would mean cramming upstairs in the Jacaranda Pub (the first place the Beatles played) as our local store back then was about the size of JustPlays Mezzanine floor! Along with our other now life-long friends that went drinking, our gaming nights built many firm friendships, a story you will hear from pretty much anyone who played this game back in the early days. Simply look at social media for #l5rhonored to see how much it means to others. 

Ritchie, younger but still pushing the boundaries of what is ok to wear at card tournaments

A much more appropriately dressed Head Judge Ian.


We played all around Europe and at that time the group from Liverpool was known as a power house on the tournament scene. Pre-"netdecking" was when CCG's really shined, allowing your testing and dedication to really gain you the leverage you needed. Ritchie was playing to go 7-0 in the Swiss at one of the last UK Gencon's and his opponent did not even know what one of of his cards did (shame he knew in the final.) I think the highlight was putting 4 of us in the Top 16 of a 400+ player European Championship and 2 in the Top 8 but all it really boiled down to was a close group of friends playing week in and week out just like I see in our Destiny and Final Fantasy communities in store right now!

What are Living Card Games ?

"A Living Card Game® (LCG®) offers an innovative fixed distribution method that breaks away from the traditional Collectible Card Game model. While LCGs still offer the same dynamic, expanding, and constantly evolving game play that makes CCGs so much fun, they do away with the deterrent of the blind-buy purchase model that has burned out so many players. The end result is an innovative mix that gives you the best of both worlds!

The Core Set is the heart of a LCG. Each LCG’s Core Set is a completely self-contained game experience packed with content, including high-quality game pieces and immersive game aides designed to enhance play. Additionally, each Core Set contains multiple decks that provide an exciting and infinitely replayable game experience right out of the box.

While the LCG Core Sets provide a fantastic stand-alone game experience, those that wish to can expand even further! Monthly installments of expansion packs, each with a full playset of fixed cards, provide ongoing and regular additions to the available card pool. These expansion packs add customization, variety, and an ongoing sense of theme to your experiences with the game, while evolving the play environment in exciting new ways."

What this means to you buying into the game is that to have a complete play set (x3 of each card) you need three core games but only one of each expansion that follow on as they come complete and we have some great offers on for both of these!


We are doing a bundle for three copies of the L5R core game for just £99 saving more than 15% off RRP.

On top of this offer for just £10 you can reserve yourself a full play set of the core game (3 boxes) with a final payment of £89 on or before the day of release even pay it off monthly or weekly with our invoice system! 

Order Via Deposit or buy all three copies in full here.

If you never want to worry about getting your hands on the latest releases and save an additional 5% on all expansions we have you covered.

If you subscribe to our L5R LCG subscription service we will order you in a copy of every release as they come available we will simply bill you as they are announced and all you have to do is pay on time to keep your additional 5% discount on all products.

We will be taking sign ups for this as the first expansions land.

There will be a launch event for 12 players who buy their core set from JustPlay if you have check out the event here and get your ticket

Thanks for reading if you any questions you can reach us via Facebook or mail us hello@justplaygames.uk 

Team JustPlay



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