Destiny: Grand Tournament Top 4 Deck Lists

Destiny: Grand Tournament Top 4 Deck Lists

Ritchie McAlley1 comment

Another month and yet another of our Grand Tournament Series events, this time the first with SOR!

A nice varied Top 4 again in this event like our last, but a lot more refined decks and an old favorite archetype making a showing with some SOR updates, all as we build up to the European Championships and our first Store Championships.

4th Place Chris Marooth 

3rd Place JP Stevens

 2nd Place Will Hopwood

1st Place Phil Ryall

Congratulations to Phil, one of our regular players who always performs well with an old favorite of his as he tries to find the deck's place in a post SOR world.

Left to right Champion Phil Ryall, Will Hopwood, JP Stevens and Chris Marooth

It's also the second event in our Q2 series with a custom play mat being awarded to the best performing player over the 3 events. Check out the current standings below!

Thanks to everyone who came as we had a great day of Destiny and lots of practice in prep for the bigger events coming up.

If you are in the UK, why not come to our first Store Championship on the 27th May; you can get your tickets here.

We also have a large singles selection as great prizes which you can check out here, get what you need for Euro's and if you are there and see us definitely make sure you say hello. We love meeting you guys at events and seeing what everyone brings to the competitive table. 


Team JustPlay

1 comment

Connor Kopko
Connor Kopko
Yes! Qui-Gon/Rey is amazing with this new set. My favorite deck too!

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