Live Battle Report

Ritchie McAlley

Our first Age of Sigmar Battle Report is now live on Youtube

Join Ritchie, host of the JustSaying Podcast and Team England member. He is commanding his IronJawz against James Tinsdale, Age of Sigmar playtesters and fellow Team England member.

James is hoping to leverage the powerful shooting of his Tzeentch to stop the rampaging Ironsunz!

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Allegiance: Tzeentch
- Change Coven: Eternal Conflaguration
Mortal Realm: Chamon
Lord of Change (380)
- General
- Command Trait: Coruscating Flames
- Artefact: Shroud of Warpflame
- Lore of Change: Fold Reality
Fateskimmer, Herald of Tzeentch on Burning Chariot (140)
- Artefact: Aura of Mutability
- Lore of Change: Bolt of Tzeentch
10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (220)
10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (220)
10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (220)
6 x Flamers of Tzeentch (280)
3 x Flamers of Tzeentch (140)
1 x Exalted Flamers of Tzeentch (100)
10 x Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch (60)
Changehost (180)
Extra Command Point (50)
Total: 1990 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 2
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 84

Allegiance: Ironjawz
- Warclan: Ironjawz
Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (460)
- General
- Boss Gore-hacka and Choppa
- Command Trait: Right Fist of Dakkbad
- Artefact: Sunzblessed Armour
- Mount Trait: Weird 'Un
Orruk Warchanter (110)
- Warbeat: Get 'Em Beat
Orruk Warchanter (110)
- Warbeat: Killa Beat
Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (120)
- Artefact: Shamanic Skullcape
- Lore of the Weird: Da Great Big Green Hand of Gork
15 x Orruk Ardboys (300)
- 1x Gorkamorka Banner Bearers
- 1x Gorkamorka Glyph Bearers
15 x Orruk Ardboys (300)
- 1x Gorkamorka Banner Bearers
- 2x Gorkamorka Glyph Bearers
6x Orruk Gore-gruntas* (160)
- Pig-iron Choppas
5 x Orruk Ardboys (100)
- 1x Gorkamorka Banner Bearers
Ironfist* (120)

Total: 1980 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 133

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Justice Series GT New Date and Entrants List

Ritchie McAlley

The Justice Series GT 2020 is now scheduled for November 6th/7th 2021 and is sold out right now at 84 players. Below is a list of all current entrants, as well as our reserve list.

With that in mind, if you would like to be added to the reserve list please email us on and let us know!


  1. Paul Scott
  2. James Tinsdale
  3. Michael Wilson
  4. Tom Fildes
  5. Steve Curtis
  6. Dan George
  7. LHW
  8. Mathew Davies
  9. Brandon Watkins
  10. Samuel Watson
  11. Michael Wilding
  12. Robert Hull
  13. +1
  14. +1
  15. freddie leggett
  16. Jozef Grzywinski
  17. Colin Cochrane
  18. +1
  19. +1
  20. +1
  21. +1
  22. +1
  23. Daniel Arnold
  24. Andy Brown
  25. Ian Ralph
  26. Vitto Manetti
  27. Lee Taylor
  28. Steven Brown
  29. Dylan Usher
  30. +1
  31. Thomas Waller
  32. Aidan Clieve
  33. Thomas Moore
  34. Owen Jackson
  35. Simon Weakley
  36. Graham Betteridge
  37. Eddie Harrison
  38. +1
  39. Pete Brizio
  40. Tom Lees
  41. Mike Bennett
  42. Matt Robertson
  43. JP Stevens
  44. Tom Blaxall
  45. Alexander Jones
  46. Byron Orde
  47. Steve Wren
  48. Mr Raja Brothwood
  49. Phil Marshall
  50. Shane Forde
  51. Leo Kype
  52. Piotr Kurkowski 
  53. Greg Jessop
  54. Tom Best 
  55. Christian Kewin
  56. Daneel Cooper
  57. Micheal Hanlon
  58. Drew Gibson
  59. Mathew Brooks
  60. Adrian McWalter
  61. Thomas Marshall
  62. Alex Fawcett
  63. John Thompson
  64. Alex McCormick
  65. Jack Krinks
  66. Richard Wigmore
  67. Nick Harding
  68. Louis Wheatley
  69. Mike Chadderton
  70. Mr Bradshaw



    Team Justplay

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    Age of Sigmar Tier List - June 2019 (Pre GHB!)

    Ian O'Brien

    Hi Everybody!

    Today has been an interesting day on Twitter, after someone put together a Tiermaker template for AoS 2. This is a pretty cool site that I'd never seen before - check it out! The template of called "AoS 2nd Ed Power Rankings" and you can put your own list together using it - well done to whoever discovered this and put the time in to creating it! (Edit: it was apparently HeyWhoa, who is awesome and also reasonably handsome to boot)

    As a consequence of this, there are a bunch of Tier lists floating around and some of them are pretty crazy, so I decided to write one too. The problem with Tier lists is that they're highly subjective, and if you've listened to the JustSaying Podcast you know that we very rarely bother going past Tier "2" when we rank things because everything from that point tends to be close enough (ie, not in a great place competitively) that it isn't worth organising into tiers. Nevertheless, I followed the template format and this is what my Tier list comes out looking like.

    I would call "S" the "ultra competitive" Tier, which last year only had DoK in it - what a year 2019 has been for power creep!  "AA" is my "Tier 1", "A" would be my "Tier 2", and B would be my "Tier 3". Everything beyond that is in "Tier not the most competitive" (although you could certainly argue that Chaos Dwarves, Seraphon, KO in the right meta, and probably more should be moved up a Tier. Subjective!)


    DoK, Skaven and FEC are undeniably Tier S - they're just a cut above almost everything else, and unless playing against eachother, it requires large player skill or luck differentials to beat them. What's really surprising me right now is the general lack of awareness in the community of just how good the new Slaanesh book is - they're absolutely nuts, and made even nuttier that they have highly favourable matchups against both FEC and DoK, a feat that few armies can claim! You could even make an argument for shifting Tier S down so that Slaanesh could sit above FEC and DoK since they have a good matchup against them.

    Tier AA contains Fyreslayers. It's yet to be 100% proven what Tier Fyreslayers belong in, but after Ritchie's 5-0 at 6 Nations this past weekend plus the playtesting I've seen, there's a very good argument that they should also be in Tier S. They're slow, which is a problem, but Hearthguard Berserkers might be the best unit in the game and you just can't go into a fight against Hermdar Lords of the Lodge with their buffs up. Either way, one thing is for sure - they're another new book for which most old books just have no answer. Deepkin are also in here because they still dodge first turn issues, they still hit like a truck, they still have the original gangsta "I go first in combat" option, and they're s till the fastest army in the game. This will never fail to produce consistent, amazing results in the hands of a good player.

    Legions of Nagash is largely overrated now and drops a Tier to A compared to the last year. No amount of Grimghasts being returned to the board can keep up with 2019 book armies that can remove them even faster. Less armies are relying on Magic so Nagash loses power, more armies use no magic at all, use prayers, or outrange you. Shooting is around and can be an auto-loss for Death. There are so many weak to awful matchups in the top tiers now, Death are relegated to preying on armies that still haven't had their new book show up, and having bad times against those that have. BoC and Tzeentch are in here largely off the back of Enlightened alone, but they're also a cut above everything that follows. Gloomspite Gitz haven't seen widespread play and are largely underrated. They may even need to go up a Tier, they're difficult to assess, but they are very good.

    Tier B is now "everything else that is playable but not as good as the stuff above it", which is a lot of armies. It contains, in my opinion, armies that contain balanced and reasonable books like Khorne and Stormcast, and other armies that have dropped off in the meta due to the power level of the higher tiers.

    Tier C and below is a crapshoot. You could mess around with these a lot and no one would really care. They're competitively poor armies that you play because you love them, or for fun. Sometimes they can win things with some luck and skill - we've seen plenty of decent finished for Seraphon, Kharadron Overlords, Phoenix Temple, and Beastclaw Raiders, for example. But if we're being brutal, we wouldn't choose these as contenders for a likely 5-0 or 6-0 at a major competitive event.

    So there it is! A super quick article, a super quick tier list, and some qualification on why things are where they are. Keep throwing your own tier lists out but remember - just because a new book hasn't had major tournament finishes yet, doesn't mean there aren't a whole bunch of experienced players testing those armies and playing with them from the second they come out. Always base your assessment of an army on what it can achieve, not where it's finished in events; events are a very small sample size!


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    Terradons vs Ripperdactyls: 5 Minute Maths

    Ian O'Brien

    I'm currently playing Seraphon in our local slow grow league, and I need to assemble some flying beasties for my Engine of the Gods to summon. But which is best? These units have a few different things going on so they're a little hard to evaluate, so I figured I'd just write it down...

    (Note: I'm working under the assumption that Ripperdactyls won't be able to generate more than one extra attack from their beaks once the GHB FAQ hits, if you're reading this in July 2018!)




    In Age of Sigmar v1, there was an argument as to which of the two ranged weapons was better as the 10" javelins gave you a bit more reach to know a few wounds off a hero, and be able to do so whilst engaged. With "Look Out, Sir!" and new shooting rules in AoS v2 I dont think that throwing a few puny javelins at a hero is as worthwhile a tactic as using your ranged attacks to simply supplement your melee attacks here. But anyway, the numbers:

    • Javelins average 0.66 damage per Terradon
    • Bolas average 0.875 damage per Terradon

    I'm 100% sold on Bolas as the superior option here, so I'll focus on that.

    I think a Master of the Skies is the superior option for unit leader as most of the unit's damage output still comes from melee, and in any case +1 to hit shooting is nowhere near as good as a whole extra set of melee attacks with full rerolls.

    So, swooping down (like you ever wouldn't...)

    • Each Terradon averages 2.25 damage
    • Master of the Skies adds an additional 2 damage (big increase!)

    Therefore, we're doing the following assuming Bolas and Master of the Skies:

    • 3 Terradons averages 11.38 damage
    • 9 Terradons averages 30.13 damage

    As an intangible (in this calculation) benefit, the Bolas damage happens before melee, so is a little bit better than melee attacks. And obviously you can use them at range if you'd like, but it's a pretty poor way to use a 120 point unit - the damage output just isn't there.

    The Terradons also have Deadly Cargo, which averages out to 1 mortal wound per Terradon dropping the bomb. This is definitely best used in a Shadowstrike Starhost where you can set up, move, and do 9 mortals to something with your maxed out unit. Otherwise it's a decent ability but not hugely impactful due to being oneshot and once per Terradon.




    Rippers have less options than Terradons but slightly more complex maths. Their damage profile looks like this:

    • Each model averages 4.09 damage with no Blot Toad
    • Each model average 6.41 damage with a Blot Toad
    • The Alpha adds 0.56 damage

    So that gives us totals of:

    • 3 Ripperdactyls average 12.83 or 19.79 damage
    • 9 Ripperdactyls average 37.37 or 58.25 damage

    Ripperdactyls also get Star-Bucklers, which is very relavant on a combat unit given how many models have Rend -1 nowadays.

    It's worth noting is that in AoS v2, if you summon a unit of Rippers with your Engine of the Gods on turn 1 you can place a Blot Toad for that unit since you dont place the toads until "during" your first hero phase.


    The internet has a severe overabundance of Pterodactyl pics...


    Which is Better?

    Without a toad, Rippers deal 10% more damage than Terradons in melee and come with shields. Terradons deal a few points of their damage earlier (as shooting), have the capability to not melee if they need to (although their shooting is weak), and have a mortal wound attack. 

    Rippers deal 74% (!) more damage than Terradons if they have a toad.

    If you have access to Toads by whatever method you choose to get them, I'd say that Rippers win out here every time. Their damage potential is just so much higher than their shield is a nice addition. Since you can build toads into your army list, I think Rippers are the clear choice during list building, even though they're 15%~ more expensive.

    If you're summoning units of 3 of either of these during the game though, the choice is at least a choice. Terradons are more specialist, and you might summon them if you want to finish off a big tough character using mortal wound bombs, if the Ripperdactyls' shields won't be of use versus whatever you're fighting, or if you don't have access to Toads (there's minimal melee difference in this case and the Terradons other advantages start to take over a little more). Even so, I expect you'll be summoning Rippers far more often for their superior combat numbers.

    Personally I'll be building and carrying multiple summonable Rippers with me to events as I think they're the default choice, and a single unit of Terradons. I expect turn one Ripper summoning to get a toad on the board is going to be a common tactic, and taking a single unit Rippers in my list build to make sure I get great value out of my summoned Rippers will probably be a thing.


    Happy Pterodactyling!


    Don't forget to subscribe to the JustSaying Podcast for more Age of Sigmar discussions and advice - new episodes every Thursday!


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    UK number one and the AOS London GT!

    Ritchie McAlley

    Thats right read all about the thoughts of the UK's number one player...

    Well the player who has been to the most uploaded events anyway if you don't know how it works it only polls your best four results for the current season and the small one dayer 3 round events like am about to write about even when won don't give many points, my chase for masters won't really get going now until Sigmar 2.0 comes out now besides London GT this coming weekend.

    Justice Series 6&7

    These are JustPlay's bimonthly tournaments small 16-20 player events but with a high standard of play all tables have mat nice terrain and its only £10 to enter plus you get £5 store credit. These have really picked up recently selling out each time now which has been great for getting some nice practice in during the quiet months.

    In Justice Series 6 I managed 3rd place finish with 2 major wins and in the final a major loss this event I was still playing double ship list that I took to heat 1 you can read all about this in my previous article

    Game 1 was vs one of my main practice partners Nathan playing Bonesplitterz. It's a weaker list compared to others as its more of hobby project and includes a Rogue Idol, cool but not very competitive at 400 points. I got to go second and a simple double turn wrapped this up pretty quick.

    Game 2 I played a Archeon Tzeentch list this was my opponents first game vs Overlords with all his points in a few flyers it was over pretty quick, LOC and the Skyfires dead T1 Archeon a few turns later as I kept him tied up with sacrificial boats.

    Game 3 it all went wrong overconfidence got me big time I drew Ogors on Duality old army on my best mission did not kill his troll hag turn 1 ended up far far too close to the rest of his army so he just massacred my whole army which took him on to the win!

    A good event overall that last game really showed me I needed to stop messing about and get the models I needed painted to play the one ship list below.

    Allegiance: Kharadron Overlords

    Skyport: Barak-Zilfin

    - Additional Footnote: There's No Trading With Some People

    Aether-Khemist (140)

    - General

    - Trait: Fleetmaster

    Aether-Khemist (140)

    - Artefact: Aethershock Earbuster

    Aether-Khemist (140)

    10 x Arkanaut Company (120)

    - 3x Light Skyhooks

    10 x Arkanaut Company (120)

    - 3x Light Skyhooks

    10 x Arkanaut Company (120)

    - 3x Light Skyhooks

    9 x Endrinriggers (360)

    - 3x Grapnel Launchers

    12 x Skywardens (400)

    - 4x Aethermatic Volley Guns

    - 4x Drill Cannons

    Arkanaut Ironclad (440)

    - Main Gun: Aethermatic Volley Cannon

    - Great Endrinworks: Aetherspheric Endrinds (Barak-Zilfin Skyvessel)

    Total: 1980 / 2000

    Allies: 0 / 400

    Wounds: 105

    It was only a few weapon swaps for the Endrinriggers and 5 more models to paint pretty easy so once that was done I got ready for Justice Series 7.

    Game 1 I played a Skaven list in a game that is half the reason people hate this army so much pick second double turn him and I had killed everything besides a artillery piece. Soft horde units just turn on all your guns even the pistols the amount of fire it can put out is insane.  

    Game 2 This was a whole different kettle of fish I played against a VERY resilient Stormcast list with the minimum 3 archer units a Stardrake and a massive Dracoth unit. Mirror Shield, 1+ saves etc along with the ability to "deepstrike" also mean this was going to be very different to any game I have played before and was super excited to play this one.

    He pulled the the trigger first bringing down all but one archer unit scoring 5 and killing all but one Arkanaught very luckily for me most his army was pushed up on my objective at this point. I came down took 6 points of him and killed all his archers he then sneaked his third archer unit back on one of the centre objective scoring himself taking a big 8 points 13/6 to him. My first big play of the game came at this point as I tried to kill the Star Drake with my riggers I had managed to splash 4 Drill Cannon exploding damage on to him so felt confident. It never worked but I did take a centre objective back scoring me 6 this time 13/12. From here I had kept massive range on him so he could not push without needing the double turn and I could threaten his objectives as he only had 2 units left at this point scoring was becoming difficult for him max 6 a turn it was a stand of now until the final turn were I made the hail mary play and broke the deadlock taking 8 points ending it 32/31 to me.

    Game 3

    With me killing basically nothing in my last game I ended up playing down hoping I could overtake the other two players on 2 major wins and I had drawn myself up against another Overlords player on Starstrike I was one less drop than him and won the roll which I really wanted so I got a extra unit on the board. I was lucky he failed two run rolls to grab the objectives and they had fell well for me so I took the lead and he was forced to blink and bring down his Ironclad first a major disadvantage I struck in return killing units of value and getting better board position, eventually the win.

    When the final scores came I had managed to jump ahead of Tom the other player who finished on 3 Major wins I was made up to see him finish so well having attended all our previous events. Winning your own event is a little lame but really happy I got my first event win.

    SCGT Warm-Up

    Time for another road trip this time with my partner in JustPlay Ian and along for the ride another Liverpool player Craig I played the same list as the previous event I took part in.

    Game 1

    Perfect first match up taking on a new face playing Nurgle one of the armies I most wanted to practice against. 30 Plaguebearers, Blight Kings with the flanking hero, Rotigus, GUO and some Blight Drones. I took second in this and put my Ironclad in the sky mostly I wanted to see were the flanking unit came on and deal with it. In previous games testing they caused me some major problems this went to plan pretty well double turn went my way when I was done all he had left was his two boxed in big guys and a few Plaguebearers still some work todo grabbing the win as he went first and scored big and I never got many turn 1 and 2 but I got there.

    Game 2

    Funnily I later found out that my opponent this round Ellis should be number if heat 2 was uploaded. This was also the first of the two Malign Portent missions which meant I was going to be playing with -6 inches to my range all game not ideal. It never mattered how ever as Ellis had a huge brainfart and thought he would be going first meaning terrible deployment and most his army in Graveyards I went first all his heroes got killed bar one and Ellis conceded when I won the dice roll for turn 2.

    Game 3

    Playing for the win against my car mate Craig playing a heavy Skyfire/Enlightened list another dream match up to practice shame it was on the second Malign Portent mission with long deployment and me again having -6 range. Craig deployed with this in mind but had not played my army either and left me a small window to get into his back lines and in range I killed 12 Skyfires not that it really helped those Enlightened murdered my whole army but slowly. I snuck a couple of Khemists back on the Ironclad and last turn dropped them off in his deployment giving me the win as he only had the Enlightened in my deployment.

    Another win! Super pleased this time I got a lovely box of chocolates to ruin my diet (all devoured on the car ride home) event was brilliant also nice bit of lunch in a lovely little village on a nice sunny day with great company.

    The Malign Portent missions however pretty lame, poor at just the mission level compared to the rest of the matched play scenarios and the Portent points thing is just messy and clunky I mentioned me having -6 inches to my range but on the flip side I had +1 to hit every turn on my massive Warden unit a bit to good.

    4 Events in the bag at this point and I had managed 10 Majors, 2 Minors and 2 Major losses really happy with that heading into the midseason and some big indy two day events.

    London Grand Tournament

    It feels like forever waiting for this event to come around especially with the SCGT happening last weekend shame I could not make that one with the LGT being already booked it was a bit to much time away from the family to close.  

    It's finally here I am writing this after packing up to make the trip down different list however! 3 Khemists is just a waste and I should have known that earlier really but what else to take? 10 more Arkanaughts is a obvious choice but then you properly don't want a 40 point bid so also drop 3 Wardens and make it 30, great target for the Khemists. I spotted however a great list in the top finishes of Adepticon.

    Allegiance: Kharadron Overlords

    Skyport: Barak-Zilfin

    - Additional Footnote: There's No Trading With Some People


    Aether-Khemist (140)

    - General

    - Trait: Fleetmaster

    Aether-Khemist (140)

    - Artefact: Aethershock Earbuster


    10 x Arkanaut Company (120)

    - 3x Light Skyhooks

    10 x Arkanaut Company (120)

    - 3x Light Skyhooks

    10 x Arkanaut Company (120)

    - 3x Light Skyhooks


    6 x Endrinriggers (240)

    9 x Endrinriggers (360)

    - 3x Grapnel Launchers

    3 x Skywardens (100)

    - 1x Aethermatic Volley Guns

    - 1x Drill Cannons

    3 x Skywardens (100)

    - 1x Aethermatic Volley Guns

    - 1x Drill Cannons

    3 x Skywardens (100)

    - 1x Aethermatic Volley Guns

    - 1x Drill Cannons

    War Machines

    Arkanaut Ironclad (440)

    - Main Gun: Aethermatic Volley Cannon

    - Great Endrinworks: Aetherspheric Endrinds (Barak-Zilfin Skyvessel)

    Total: 1980 / 2000

    Allies: 0 / 400

    Wounds: 106

    These gets even more out the now only 2 Khemists adds more of our best unit and gives us MSU for objective holding that I loved in my early lists it does lose some shooting and I would say is much harder to play two units going into combat not just one simple alpha strike makes things more interesting. That though is were this lists main strength is Nurgle is making up a huge percentage of tournaments right now, great in the game along with lovely models and fun to paint means I expect to have to deal with Plague bearers a lot more.

    You can see this in Heat 2 luckily Admiral Gary Percival had the same idea and took this to Heat 2 finishing in 3rd place he however grouped the 3 Warden units together after talking to him and getting a few games in I agree still having the option to buff those Wardens Drill cans and safely use Damned on them has been crucial in practice. Nice to see that it worked and other Overlord players have the same faith in the list.

    I am hoping to carry on my winning streak but really I just want to know I played well and put a strong 4 win finish in.

    If you are local to Liverpool or even just fancy a trip our first AOS 2.0 event is July 14th you can get a ticket here

    Well thanks very much for reading and say hello if you are at this or other events in the future. 

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    Games Workshop AOS Heat 1 Tournament Report

    Ritchie McAlley

    Army packed up, accessories too, all in my Battlefoam 720 with the amazing magnetic trays I fully expected it to be an “all the gear no idea” trip so I was pleasantly surprised when I finished 21st. In this article I will briefly cover all my games, the experience overall and my plans for the rest of the season.

    Getting ready for round 1 with Tom (left)

    First of all it’s been a very long time since I went to Warhammer World. I reckon it was a staff GT back in ‘99 maybe! The has come on in leaps and bounds. So much of it is still the same but it’s a much better tourist attraction overall. The gaming hall is much smaller than I remember but still a great place to play. I came with my JustPlay team mate Tom Fildes who was playing Ironjawz, and the short trip from Liverpool to Nottingham gave me just enough time to swat up on a few things with Tom that I needed to get in my head before I got started.

    I had only played 3 games before this with my Overlords and maybe less than a dozen games overall of AOS. We made a few notes in our journal the order of Hero phase, buffs I did not want to miss etc... I also like to get my self focused on the day. You can’t exactly play a warm up game of AOS but a short card or board game in the morning helps me focus.

    To see what I played and why, check out my previous article.

    Game 1 - Total Conquest - Ric Myhill - Tzeentch

    Allegiance: Tzeentch

    Gaunt Summoner (120)

    - General

    - Trait: Arcane Sacrifice

    - Artefact: Souldraught

    - Lore of Fate: Bolt of Tzeentch

    Fatemaster (140)

    - Artefact: Phantasmal Weapons

    Chaos Sorcerer Lord (160)

    - Runestaff

    - Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch

    - Lore of Fate: Glimpse the Future

    9 x Kairic Acolytes (100)

    - 10x Cursed Blade & Arcanite Shield

    10 x Kairic Acolytes (100)

    - 10x Cursed Blade & Arcanite Shield

    10 x Kairic Acolytes (100)

    - 10x Cursed Blade & Arcanite Shield

    9 x Chaos Warriors (180)

    - Hand Weapon & Shield

    - Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch

    5 x Chaos Marauder Horsemen (90)

    - Javelin & Shield

    - Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch

    5 x Chaos Marauder Horsemen (90)

    - Javelin & Shield

    - Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch

    9 x Chaos Knights (320)

    - Ensorcelled Weapons

    - Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch

    Reinforcement Points (500)

    Battalion - Fatesworn (100)

    Total: 2000 / 2000

    Early on I could see that Rik knew his stuff good knowledge of my army clearly worried about my ranged threats and reach he protected his characters well. Put me in a tight spot! With zero knowledge of Tzeentch I played really safe and put the Ironclad up in the sky, a good move as I missed his summoning range so might well have lost it or got it bogged down.

    After Ric’s turn 1

    Game ended with a minor win to me at the end of turn 3. I was far too slow having to refer to my rules which gave him a chance to steal a win though clever play.

    Game 2 - Scorched Earth - Declan Walters - Mixed Destruction

    Allegiance: Destruction

    Grot Big Boss On Gigantic Spider (100)

    Grot Big Boss On Gigantic Spider (100)

    Gitmob Grot Shaman (80)

    Gitmob Grot Shaman (80)

    60 x Moonclan Grots (360)

    - Pokin Spears & Moon Shields

    40 x Gitmob Grots (200)

    - bows

    40 x Gitmob Grots (200)

    - bows

    3 x Grot Fanatics (100)

    Aleguzzler Gargant (170)

    Aleguzzler Gargant (170)

    Grot Rock Lobber (100)

    Grot Rock Lobber (100)

    Grot Spear Chukka (120)

    Grot Spear Chukka (120)

    Total: 2000 / 2000

    (army from memory)

    Happy seeing this match up. An army I guess you could say was far from top tier, I just had to kill lots of grots and grab a win!

    Declan presented a weak right flank with a objective I could steal from him turn one and hold, so thats where I hit. It went well, I took it killing some goblins and spider bosses, holding that objective and my own back 3 by using some clever ship maneuvers and taking advantage of my MSU Sky Wardens.

    All going to plan so far!

    But that was the end of the success... in the middle I put my Endriggers into the Night Goblin 60-block, bottle necking myself too much. The Fanatics stopped me getting enough attacks into the unit, and that along with the fact I forgot about the extra bravery for large units meant I never took the centre objective. From then on in his left flank took me apart as I underestimated his shooting and giants over the next few turns and he secured the Major win. Had a right laugh in this one, his army looked great and I got though all 6 turns!

    Beginning of the end for me..

    Game 3 - Knife to the Heart - - Khorne

    Allegiance: Khorne


    Aspiring Deathbringer (80)

    - General

    - Bloodaxe and Wrath Hammer

    - Trait: Berzerker Lord

    Bloodsecrator (120)

    Bloodthirster Of Insensate Rage (260)

    Bloodthirster Of Insensate Rage (260)

    - Artefact: A'rgath the King of Blades

    Bloodthirster Of Unfettered Fury (260)

    - Artefact: The Crimson Crown

    Wrath Of Khorne Bloodthirster (330)


    30 x Bloodletters (270)

    10 x Chaos Marauders (60)

    - Axes

    10 x Chaos Marauders (60)

    - Axes

    10 x Chaos Marauders (60)

    - Axes

    10 x Chaos Marauders (60)

    - Axes


    Council of Blood (110)


    5x Harpies (70)

    Total: 1990 / 2000

    Allies: 70 / 400

    “Not more Overlords” was I think how this game started. When you have sunk that many points into flying monsters (Zilfin reroll all hit and wound rolls of 1 vs flyers) it cant get much worse really can it? Deployment in this one I kept my Sky Wardens in the Ironclad to drop down so I could keep them at range after I forced the Endringriggers over the top.

    I opened up on the Bloodthirsters with all my guns found a gap for the Endrinriggers to get hold of another and tied up the Bloodletters with Airships. That said I took ALOT of casualties on the way (all part of the plan though, just as long as I had a airship to stick on each objective job done… ) But... 5 models needed to hold the objective, that burnt me bad in this one. Just more rookie mistakes! Bit of a shame, I could have easily taken a major in this one.

    Early on in turn 2 not much left!

    Game 4 - Star Strike - David - Bretonnians

    Allegiance: Order

    King on Hippogryph (400)

    Enchantress (160)

    8 x Knights Of The Realm (220)

    8 x Knights Of The Realm (220)

    8 x Knights Errant (200)

    10 x Grail Knights (360)

    10 x Questing Knights (360)

    10 x Skinks (60)

    Total: 1980 / 2000

    (army from memory)

    “Not really a fair match up” is the story of this game, my top tier list vs one of the oldest armies around. A very very beautiful one though. Here is a bunch of pictures. The game ended really early when his Knights all charged my Endrinriggers and died. Major Victory to me!


    Game 5 - Battle for the Pass - Death


    Nagash Supreme Lord Of The Undead (800)

    Necromancer (110)


    10 x Skeleton Warriors (80)

    10 x Skeleton Warriors (80)

    10 x Skeleton Warriors (80)

    Reinforcement Points (850)

    Total: 2000 / 2000

    I drew another great match up here but not the best mission to play it on. Battle for the Pass means he had the chance to hide Nagash from me but did not quite extract all the correct info from me when screening Nagash. He dropped his front line back just enough to allow a very small gap for me to fit 10 guns in a small area and get some good shots on him. He took this really well once I lined up my turn 1. I did not manage to kill Nagash however took him low on wounds and hurt his casting potential for turn 1. I also got his necromancer plus some skeletons.

    End of battle round 1

    He summoned 40 Zombies and 40 Skeletons plus a Banshee which all failed charges on me luckily enough. The turn roll then went my way thank the lord, and I got to kill Nagash! It took my entire army to kill him though, the last few pistols taking him down. Major Victory to me.

    My fav picture from the weekend, reminds me of the World War Z helicopter attack

    Overall I was really happy 21st place and I won 4 of my games. I did not get the Majors I needed, but who knows what I would have been facing day 2 if I did! Qualifying for the finals was my main goal here as it was the only heat I had tickets for and I did that. 

    My thoughts on the list were overall positive and I really liked having the two ships. The frigate was quick, great at tagging units and spreading my force out across the battlefield. MSU wardens helped a lot in the missions for scoring super quick and gave me lots of options. Take all that with a pinch of salt cause at this point I have not even tried grapples yet which is my next goal in the upcoming events I have.

    Its a major lull in the tournament scene in Feb and March but I have 3 small one day events coming up though Feb and into April, two Justice Series events in my store and the SCGT warm up in Leeds ran by Paul. Hoping to use them to practice for the many two day events I have booked in later in the season.

    Read my next blog to find out how I got in these one dayers.


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    Ian Plays Death: Fundamentals

    Ian O'Brien

    Hey Guys! Ian here, and today I'm going to be talking about my experiences with the new Legions of Nagash battletome. I've been spamming games with this book since it was released, mostly in a competitive testing environment, and I figured it was about time to commit some of my thoughts to virtual paper. I'm going to start this article series with an overview of what I think of Death as a faction, both pros and cons, so let's take a look at them!


    • Great Battleline
    • Great matchups against armies that want to scrap it out
    • Many ways to vary your army with barely any changes to its unit composition
    • Excellent at playing the objective game
    • Tactical flexibility via gravesites


    • Extremely vulnerable to shooting...
    • ...meaning that our worst matchups are some of the best armies in the game right now (Kharadron, Tzeentch, certain Stormcast)
    • Not a lot of viable units
    • Bad against high saves
    • Poor tiebreaker scoring
    • Turn rolls lead to even more extreme variance than they do for other armies

    Lets go into these in a little more detail, shall we?


    The Pros

    These are the things that I think define Death as an army. They're the mechanical reasons why you would play them over another faction, the things that define their playstyle. Leveraging these things are generally the key to victory with Death. If these pros are things that you like in an army, there's a good chance that playing Death will suit you.


    Great Battleline

    I'll happily go on record as saying that Skeletons are one of the best battleline choices in the game when you factor in everything that they do. They are:

    • Cheap
    • 2" reach
    • Have enough weight of attacks to not be too worried by high saves or wound counts
    • Tough for their cost when you factor in Deathless Minions, very tough for their cost if they're fighting rendless "chaff killers" such as Putrid Blightkings or Witch Aelves
    • Mobile via Gravesites
    • Get to regenerate!

    That isn't to say that they don't have downsides, of course. They can and do evaporate quicker than you can resurrect them without Inspiring Presence. They're slow if you don't buff them in specific ways or use Gravesites. But all things considered, cheap, fast, and tough enough for their cost makes them a great choice and the core of any good Death list.

    Great Matchups against "Scrapping" Armies

    Although "scrapping" armies - armies that primarily want to win by beating you in melee - are not necessarily the tier 1 of competitive AoS, they *do* make up the bulk of AoS armies that you will face on the tabletop outside of those lists. We're almost purpose built for that matchup - we have lots of bodies to outnumber on objectives, we have lots of debuffs to melee units and movement, we regenerate, and we love not having our characters shot at. I've had some absolutely horrendous games against melee armies, where I've made mistakes, rolled badly, been repeatedly double turned, etc, and still won because I held onto objectives with my many bony bodies.

    Nurgle are currently very popular and we have a great matchup against them (we both attrition really well, but we have more bodies on the board and better debuffs), and Orruks and melee-based Stormcast lists are always popular which we have a great game against also. Never underestimate the importance of having good matchups versus the majority of "the pack" when it comes to winning events; your matchups on the top tables don't matter if you can't get there in the first place.

    As an aside, GW do seem to be releasing more "anti shooting" tech into the game - see Plaguebearer -2 to shooting, and the Idoneth anti-shooting special rules - so we're potentially going to see more of a move away from shooting armies as they get pushed out of the meta. This is great for us in two ways; we dont care about people investing points into anti-shooting tech, and more people could be playing armies that we want to fight against. Good times!

    Army Variation

    This is a minor point, but the ability to vary your army without changing your units much is a very real benefit when buying and painting new models isn't always an option due to time or money.

    For example, take this list:

    • Lords of Sacrament
    • Arkhan
    • 2 Necromancers
    • Mortis Engine
    • Deathmarch
    • Wight King
    • 40/10/10 Skeletons
    • 30 Grave Guard
    • 5 Black Knights

    Playing this list, you can:

    1. Play Grand Host of Nagash. Make the Wight King your general, give him the +1 attack command trait, and give a Necromancer the Ossific Diadem. This provides you with the ability to give a skeleton unit +2 attacks, a second 6++ save, and grants you extra regen on your units.
    2. Play Legion of Sacrament. This gets you Arkhan's command ability, gives your important Wight King Bracers of Black Gold to protect versus shooting, gives one of your Necromancers the Shroud of Darkness to protect him against shooting also, and makes everyone better at spellcasting.

    See what you've just done? You've just list tailored to a specific meta (Nagash versus a combat heavy meta, Sacrament versus a shooting heavy meta) without even changing a model!

    Excellent at Objectives

    AoS is, ultimately, and objective based game, and we play it very well. We have access to high model count, cheap, tough-for-their-points unit with a way to bring them back, we have Gravesites to enable us to threaten objectives anywhere on the board with units deployed from the grave, and we have debuffs to further enhance the survivability of our units against many armies. Not every army can do this well.


    Gravesites are great. They should have been called Greatsites. Many people had concerns initially that they were too easy for your opponent to block, but in reality with good placement, your own units to interdict enemy movement, and the need for enemy units to often be places that are more important than sitting on a gravesite, they work really well.

    You can use them to keep things safe from turn 1 shooting (Kharadron Overlords hate when you hide 30 Grave Guard from them), you can use them to deploy small objective holders in a reactionary way (great in Starstrike), you can use them to threaten opponent's backfield objectives (great in Knife to the Heart and many more), you can use them aggressively simply to get units further up the field. They do a lot!



    The Cons

    As with anything, though, there are also downsides to playing Death. Mitigating these weaknesses is an important part of being a good Death player, and if any of these weaknesses are things that you heavily dislike, then Death might not be a good fit for you.

    Shooting Vulnerability

    For a long time, shooting has been the best "thing" in Age of Sigmar. That's maybe starting to change as mentioned above, but for now, shooting is still very powerful, and this is not good for us. We're *highly* reliant on small, easy to snipe characters for our defining special rules - Deathless Minions, Summoning, and Gravesite activation, as well as our spells. We're also not a particularly fast army; though we do have tricks to mitigate this, we're not pushing massive threats into our opponent's faces early on (for the most part), meaning shooting armies can potentially pick us apart before we do enough. Add to this the fact that our debuffs all effect melee only (seriously GW, why?), our spells are all short range, and we have no real shooting of our own and it's a recipe for disaster.

    Also, because we want our units to still be alive come our hero phase so that we can regenerate them, we dislike opponents having the ability to focus our units down one by one, and shooting armies are much better at this than melee armies.

    This is a really bad thing overall when you consider that some of the best armies in the game right now are shooting armies. They are certainly winnable games, but we're not favoured in them, relying on a combination of luck and playing to your outs to take games in these situations. This will be the subject of a future article!

    Not a lot of Viable Units

    Most armies, when you really break them down, don't have a ton of viable units - there's almost always a few standouts that are better taken in multiples rather than taking a more varied force, if you're playing competitively (except if you're a Stormcast player.. that book is probably one of the most balanced, and awesome, ever to come out of GW!).

    One of the disappointing things about the new Death book was how some units were nerfed, and how some bad units weren't fixed, leaving us with only a few truly good unit choices and a whole bunch of borderline stuff. In my opinion, the really great units in the book are:

    • Necromancer
    • Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon (and Vhordrai)
    • Skeletons

    And then the "good enough" units:

    • Arkhan
    • Black Knights
    • Grave Guard
    • Dire Wolves
    • Morghasts
    • Zombie Dragon (but more on this hidden gem in a future article...)

    While that might look like a long list, most good armies have a lot more than just 3 really great, defining units.

    Everything else we have is either overcosted or doesn't do enough, but in some cases we still have to use to take fill some roles (Wight Kings come to mind). Which is a shame. At least we get plenty of variation from our Legions!

    Bad against High Saves

    To some extent, this is an artifact of our units that do have good rend not being that good, and our good units mostly being rend-less, but we also do lack rend in general. We're much better at weight of attacks, and though that is a reasonable substitute, excessively save-y armies like Stormcast can give us potential trouble in the killing department. Which leads me on to...

    Poor Tiebreaker Scoring

    We're an army that primarily wins via objectives. We're not necessarily good at killing things, and lacking shooting we're actively bad at catching that last one guy in a unit that runs away and denies us his kill points. I frequently win games bu huge VP margins, but only score 700-1000 kill points. This is bad in tournaments, and I don't yet have a good answer to this (but I'm working on it!)

    Turn Roll Susceptibility

    Turn rolls are something that is both loved and hated by Sigmar players, and I'm no different - I'm in the hate camp, personally. Death doubles down on this, though, due to Deathly Invocations. If enemies get a double turn, we can lose a whole unit before we ever get a chance to regenerate a model. If we get a double turn, a unit of 10 skeletons can be back to 40 before the opponent gets to do anything (I've done this to people more than once...).

    Personally I'm not a fan of added variance, but your mileage may vary.



    My overall take on Death at the moment, using Legions of Nagash, is that we're a solidly Tier 2 army. We are eminently capable of winning games, and we have plenty of strengths and weaknesses to exploit or be exploited. Our bad matchups versus the best armies in the game is the major thing that is holding us back right now.

    With that said, please check back and join us for the next articles in the series where I'll be talking about various Death builds and how to get the most out of your army (including against those pesky shooty players). Death are a really exciting faction with a lot of unique play options, and I'm really looking forward to writing about them!




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    This Season with Kharadron Overlords!

    Ritchie McAlley

    With my last army pretty much dropped out the meta it was time for a new army but to be honest it could have still been the best army around and I would have still switched to the KO!

    The models are just amazing love dwarfs, always loved Malakai Makaisson and his airship from the Gotrek and Felix novels and now they release these beauties. 

    Ironclad, Frigate and the Gunboat

    Lets start with some painting, scheme wise I wanted this to be more "natural" than my other projects in the past keeping it to natural leather colours and the metallics in gold and gunmetal. Problem that arose here was the book talking about painting the in the correct scheme to match the Skyport of your choice and the tournament scene looking like it would lean towards following this. It ended up somewhere in the middle with some of the big events rewarding painting if you followed the correct scheme.

    First unit of Arkanaughts



    I had my scheme in mind and I had done my test model for the first Arkanaut Company. Happy with the result I started thinking about how I would paint the Airships and thats were I got stuck, brown being my main colour after gold I could not really paint a massive flying turd so decided I would avoid using colour as much as possible besides the stripes along the hull indicating the Skyport. With no bright ideas for what colour scheme I would like I played it safe using the colour of the skyport I would play Zilfin.

    Just the Ironclad left to do

    I liked lots of the Skyports they have some excellent themes and most of them seem like they could be really powerful I particularly liked Urbaz taking even more advantage of the Khemists even more then normally allowed. Problem they all have besides one how the hell do you get them to were you want them to be.

    That all leads you to Zilfin and one list in particular the Clown Car played to huge success already by Gary Percival looking something like this:

    Allegiance: Kharadron Overlords

    Skyport: Barak-Zilfin
    - Additional Footnote: There's No Trading With Some People

    Aether-Khemist (140)
    - General
    - Trait: Fleetmaster 
    Aether-Khemist (140)
    - Artefact: Aethershock Earbuster 
    Aether-Khemist (140)

    10 x Arkanaut Company (120)
    - 3x Light Skyhooks
    10 x Arkanaut Company (120)
    - 3x Light Skyhooks
    10 x Arkanaut Company (120)
    - 3x Light Skyhooks

    9 x Endrinriggers (360)
    - 3x Grapnel Launchers
    12 x Skywardens (400)
    - 4x Aethermatic Volley Guns
    - 4x Drill Cannons

    War Machines
    Arkanaut Ironclad (440)
    - Main Gun: Aethermatic Volley Cannon
    - Great Endrinworks: Aetherspheric Endrinds (Barak-Zilfin Skyvessel)

    Total: 1980 / 2000
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 105

    Fantastic list huge amounts of alpha, 2 drops, great targets for the Khemists, love the use of grapnels something I over looked when min maxing my units it does not end there so many other great details also but Gary has covered this many time now on multiple media outlets.

    Problem I have with this list is that I love the airships and I have a painted Frigate :) Now people don't kid yourself airships are bad. I had come up with a few lists using two Airships but settled on this as the list I would paint and hopefully take to GT heat one.

    Allegiance: Kharadron Overlords

    Skyport: Barak-Zilfin
    - Additional Footnote: There's No Trading With Some People

    Aether-Khemist (140)
    - General
    - Trait: Fleetmaster 
    - Artefact: Aethershock Earbuster 

    10 x Arkanaut Company (120)
    - 3x Light Skyhooks
    10 x Arkanaut Company (120)
    - 3x Light Skyhooks
    10 x Arkanaut Company (120)
    - 3x Light Skyhooks

    12 x Endrinriggers (480)
    - 4x Skyhooks
    3 x Skywardens (100)
    - 1x Aethermatic Volley Guns
    - 1x Drill Cannons

    3 x Skywardens (100)
    - 1x Aethermatic Volley Guns
    - 1x Drill Cannons

    3 x Skywardens (100)
    - 1x Aethermatic Volley Guns
    - 1x Drill Cannons

    War Machines
    Arkanaut Ironclad (440)
    - Main Gun: Aethermatic Volley Cannon
    - Great Endrinworks: Aetherspheric Endrinds (Barak-Zilfin Skyvessel)
    Arkanaut Frigate (280)
    - Main Gun: Heavy Sky Cannon

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 109

    The main changes to summarise between the two lists are 

    -2 Khemist +1 Frigate

    -3 Sky Wardens + 3 Endrinriggers (and MSU the Sky Wardens)

    The number of premium weapons after buffs in this list is actually more than the first list 33 compared to 32 but its not as flexible and most of the focus is in the max size unit of Endrinriggers I have taken to squeeze the most out of my one Khemist I also lose the grapnels in this army as I can just not afford to lose a single gun I hope to make up for this by having them in the faster Frigate and the Wardens being split up allowing me to spread around the board for objectives none of this will help me getting to those sneaky character hiding at the back that grapnels are so good at!

    Other benefits to this army would be having better deployment options in certain circumstances two ships would also be confusing against players who lacked a detailed knowledge of what the army does, being able to have more threats on the board early will force other deep striking armies to blink first so I can then bring the Ironclad down with my remaining force. 

    I also hoped to try to "circle the wagons" against certain lists hiding my main force behind the tough high wound Airships that don't do a lot once they have delivered their troops.

     Well thanks for reading my thoughts on the list heading in to Heat one with this long in the past now my next article will cover how I managed to finish in 21st at my first event.



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    Age of Skeptics Part 4 - Scepticism Over!

    Ritchie McAlley

    Very long time since I posted a update on my progress with my army but here it is!

    I finished this quite a few months back now and have since then played a fair few games with it to. Unfortunately I never made it out to any events as things in JustPlay have required more and more of my time as we have grew (but this has already started changing this year!) the games I got to play in my store gaming nights though were incredibly fun and my love for AOS has only grown.

    The finished army!

    The two Thundertusks were a real challenge but I used parts from Duncan's painting guide to help guide me though. I have found these really handy simple enough and really helped get me back on track with my painting. The second of the two is so much better than the first much less mess on the tusks from dry brushing. On the first one I had to go back and hand paint quite alot of detail back on top add some depth to them. Most noticeable is the face though much cleaner and I like the shade I used better

    A few pics of my two Thundertusks

    The two goblin characters in my army came out really nice pleased with pretty much every aspect. Particularly the flesh on the Shaman and some new colour mixing I used on the mouth the cave squig. This was done by painting it pink first and using a purple wash then highlighting with the pink but mixing with a flesh tone to give it what I think is more realistic look than a bright pink.

    A old favourite returns only ever painted the original 

    Lucky enough to have a friend donate this to me

    Final model I painted was the Maw Crusher the whole reason I even started playing. My starting point for this was again another GW guide I picked up a few little tricks from this but generally it was good just to see a order and steps she followed. The biggest thing I stole from it was the flame pattern blending the underbelly to the scales. 

    In all his massive glory!


    Properly the best job I have done on a model I painted so far I hope you like it I even stepped up my basing game on this one!

    Gaming with the army.

    Unfortunately this army has really dropped off now since GHB2017 lots of changes in points mostly in the wrong direction. The Maw Crusher came down but the everything else went up, Fanatics not only went up but only being able to buy them in units of 3 for now 100 points is really limiting. Shaman up, Warboss up, Night Goblins up and of course the Thundertusk. The Thundertusks are were this army really falls down now in my opinion once the kings of the table top now out ranged and out classed by many other units I have really struggled with them in GHB2017.

    Well thank you all for reading about my Destruction army but its on to another army for what will be my first year on the AOS circuit starting with the Age of Sigmar Grand Tournament heat one earlier in the year

    Read all about what I have chosen and how I have got on in my upcoming blogs!

    Thanks for reading 



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    Age of Skeptics Part 3 - Painting and Modelling

    Ritchie McAlley

    Today I am just going to briefly talk about my plans for painting my new army and my current progress.

    First thing I am going to do is tackle the Night Goblins with fanatics I have 90 of these to finish. I will be painting all of these in one big chunk I don't recommend this for everyone it takes a lot of discipline to get though this many in one go but I find it the fastest and its so rewarding every time you finish even one wash over 90 models (picking up the first one again less so) I plan to tackle one color per painting session so all the green flesh then wash all the green flesh the next day and so on and its going well at this point I have done eight separate block of color on the models and started the ninth.

    Of course before I started all this a test model was done now if you are going to try this method be careful not to take to much time on you test model don't get carried away!!!

     My test model

    Now I think I was a pretty decent painter back in my day and I have produced some good stuff since then (not this little fella) but what I am is behind the times air brushing and all these new washes that just turn out amazing results with no effort is something in this project I really want to try out but first some new colors for me.

    25 years of painting and not much to show for it

    I spent all my younger years as a dedicated GW regular, who remembers their painting table rules? All you could use was a starter set well that was all I needed we mixed everything it had Chaos Black, Skull White, Goblin Green, Enchanted Blue, Snakebite Leather, Bronzed Flesh, Flesh Wash, Sunburst Yellow, Mithril Silver and Blood Red.


    Here it is and yes I remembered all the colors before I googled this 

    I have since added a few more things to my old collection few of the new washes and some colors I have been using for this along with my Guild Ball and Gates of Antares Armies I have painted.

    Onto the steps I will be following to finish the above model

    • Undercoat Black
    • Dry Brush cloaks GW Kantor Blue
    • Wash cloaks GW Nuln Oil
    • Paint flesh GW Goblin Green
    • Wash flesh GW Biel Tan Green
    • Dry brush flesh GW Goblin Green
    • Dry brush flesh 1 part Goblin Green 1 Part Sunburst Yellow
    • Paint all brown areas (bows, quivers, belts etc) Vallejo Model Color 

    At this point I also had black paint on my pallet and tidied up any mess that was not picked up by the brown this whole stage was about sorting out all the Dry Brush mess.

    • Dry Brush the feathers for the bows along with select leather straps in Averland Sunset to make them stand out from the general Brown areas for the next stage
    • Wash all Brown areas including Dry Brushed areas Vallejo Sepia Wash
    • Dry Brush the feather and nets white
    • Pick out teeth White
    • Paint eyes Red

    This takes us to the final details stage on the models mostly this is the command group flags banners and gongs I will be using this along with the details around the hood to identify my units. Yellow flames like the test model for one unit of 20 along with a yellow banner then a black and white check hood trim on a unit of 20 with banner to match and finally a red flame around my large unit of 40 models (I hope the quickest of the three) and that will finish the painting.

    This only leaves the bases to finish I am not really into elaborate basing on any model so these have had sand stuck to them which I will Dry Brush like mud then place some Army Painter grass tuffs on them I like them to be able to match most common tables and I find green and brown are the best to colors for this.

    Right now I am just up to working on the final details stage on all my Night Goblins next blog I will pop in some pics of them all done! 

    Thanks for reading everyone



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