Star Wars Unlimited Anniversary Celebration 12/04/25
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Star Wars Unlimited celebrates it's first anniversary this April! 🚀

To celebrate, JustPlay will be hosting a competition to win a Spark of Rebellion Booster Box!

This event will start at 1pm and players will take part in a number of best of 3, 50 minute rounds based on turnout.

🏆 Prizes

Every Player will get one Jump to Lightspeed booster and promo pack for entering and JustPlay will put packs into the prize pool per player!

  • Less than 8 Players: 3 packs per player into a grand prize pool 
  • 8 Players: 1 Full Spark of Rebellion Booster Box for first place1
  • 12+ Players: 2 Additional packs into the prize pool for every player entered beyond 11 

There will be organised play boosters and a plethora of pins and promos to celebrate - come and join the festivities!