We love all things Fantasy Flight Games (FFG), in particluar their fantastic organised play programs which support all levels of play from casual to competitive. With that in mind, for 2017 we want to increase our stable of FFG games to cover their other great titles!
X-Wing is a fantastic game, and the last 6 months at JustPlay have shown that with a great base of friendly players, weekly game nights, monthly organised play kits and the full range of stock available in-store, we can build a great community that welcomes everyone, and make it easy to find a game.
This will continue in 2017 when we will continue to run our popular monthly X-Wing events on the last weekend of each month, starting with a Q1/Winter kit event on January 28th!
Initial dates: Saturday January 28th, Sunday February 26th and Saturday March 25th.
We will also be adding four more games to our supported events:
We will be running events for both Netrunner and Game of Thrones starting in Q1, and adding both Armada and Imperial Assault in Q2. We're really looking for your involvement and turnout for these, as they have to be ordered over 3 months in advance and the turnouts at these events will dictate how many we order going forward. Let us know if you're excited for these games!
Initial dates
Game of Thrones Sunday February 12th and Netrunner Sunday January 29th
Armada Will begin with the The Corellian Conflict in the first Quarter of 2017 (more info to follow) and the first kit event from April 2017
Imperial Assault events will begin April 2017
And last but not least, we'll be supporting FFG's latest game, Star Wars Destiny (which is launching at our launch party on 20/11), with a full schedule of organised play events - starting in January and running monthly!
Initial dates Saturday January 21st, Saturday February 11th and Sunday March 12th.
If you are interested in any of these games, or play them already and want to get involved with your community at JustPlay, why not join our Facebook groups and meet the other local players?
X-Wing, Armada and Imperial Assault Group here
FFG LCGs including Netrunner and Game of Thrones can be found here
Thanks for reading and we hope you're looking forward to a great 2017 of FFG gaming!