In this article I review Patrol Angis, the rules set for wargaming in The Ion Age. If you've not yet seen The Ion Age (or its sister site Alternative Armies) then check them out; they're both great sources of 15mm miniatures and more. Patrol Angis covers infantry and battlesuit combat only; the expansion book Callsign: Taranis covers vehicles, which I won't talk about in this article. The vehicles in The Ion Age are very cool though, so check them out too!
I'm not generally given to writing reviews, but when I was considering purchasing this book for myself I tried and failed to get my hands on content about the game, so figured I'd write some. I'm going to go quite in-depth I this review, so if you're looking for a short summary review this isn't it and you'll probably want to skip to the conclusion at the end.
I'd like to prefix this review with the fact that I'm currently playing this game on my own (the game has a basic solo system, which I'm not going to talk about today) and as such it is entirely possible that some of my rules or assumptions are wrong. If so, please do let me know and I'll correct them!
Unusually for a 15mm game, which tend to be quite generic, The Ion Age has its own space opera storyline and background. It's an unusual setting, with Queens, Barons, Peasants and Knights transplanted into a far future, a galactic civil war / power struggle, and a lurking alien enemy threatening to end all life. The miniatures evoke the setting really well; the Prydians and Marcher Barons all share the same model range of futuristic knights and high-tech peasant levies, and the aliens are humanoid but distinctly alien. There is a lot here to work with to inspire your own narratives for campaigns or simply feel like your miniature dudes have a reason to fight - almost half of the book is fluff. Even though I didn't initially think that the setting would be my thing (I expected it to be a little bit, I don't know, too pulpy) I really enjoyed reading it and am looking forward to reading more as the universe continues to expand.
Alright, fluff over, this is why you're probably here. Patrol Angis (PA from now on) is a skirmish level 15mm game designed to be played initially with one platoon composed of about 2-4 few squads of infantry ("troop elements"). I'm not sure why the author designates it's a skirmish game as the system works equally fine with multiple platoons. It could be to do with the fact that the book is part of a series called "One Hour Wargames" and multiple platoons are less conducive to living up to that title, but it'd still be a quick game to play even with more stuff on the board.
And this game does indeed play quickly. Weapons hit on a 2+ on a D8, and are a lot better at killing things than armour is at preventing death. This isn't a game where your units will hang around under sustained fire; things die quickly, and aggression is rewarded more so than in most games.
Movement works as you'd expect. Measuring is in centimetres, with most units being able to move 8-12cm in a normal move action. Standard rifle range is 70cm. Tables are built out of 30cm (12") blocks, so usually a standard 3x3 or 4x4 board.
There are not a whole lot of rules, which I like a lot; the majority of the rules space is taken up with the options that your troops have available to them when you activate them, called "courses of action". You can do things such as the standard move-and-fire, move-and-melee, or run; there are also more "skirmishy" type actions such as self protect (dig in, hit the deck), overwatch, reform (letting you combine/split units mid game), and precise fire (no move, more accurate shooting).
The writing style of the rules is unusual to me, as a gamer used to mainstream games that have gotten better over he last 10-15 years at templating their language and being clear in their intentions (though that is far from always the case). Patrol Angis reads at times like you're sitting with the author in front of a roaring fireplace whilst he recounts a tale of his adventures. It's a fun read as there is a lot of the author's personality in the book, but it's not how I would prefer rules to be written. This isn't helped by the examples, which in some cases muddy or even contradict the rules. The author is super responsive and friendly on Facebook so you can get over these bumps easily, but I'd still prefer the rules to be tighter.
PA uses an alternating activation system. Each player rolls a D6 for each platoon he has, the highest single dice wins initiative AND every platoon gets that number of activation tokens - the player who wins initiative gets 1 extra on every platoon. Players then take turns assigning tokens to squads within a platoon. I like this system, as both players get the same number of actions but the total is variable; a 6-action turn could be bloody but a 2-action turn would be slow. This will be especially interesting in scenarios as you cannot guarantee the number of actions you will have in a turn, and it's a mechanic I've not seen before, which is cool. The only thing I don't like is the +1 for the initative-winning player; as you'll see below, an extra activation token is potentially huge and especially so across multiple platoons. I don't like that level of variance based on a single dice roll so I think I'll probably play without this bonus.
Every token is an action that your squad can take by spending the token. At it's basic level, this means that for every token the squad gets to move and fire - meaning that one squad can potentially activate many times in a single turn. Tokens can also be used to mitigate incoming damage or "re-motivate" which is essentially a stun/pinning mechanic that forces you to spend a token after failing a morale check before you can activate again. Whenever a unit is shot at it also gets a free action to fire back after the damage is done.
What this leads onto is that larger units are pretty much always better in PA, and small units are inefficient by comparison. The game is supposed to be played with a single platoon, and the basic platoon is 22 men who must be composed into a minimum of three elements (with some further restrictions on the exact unit sizes). Therefore a 10/10/2 split is optimal; your 2-man unit is essentially pointless and you've now only got two units on the board, but it's still better than splitting 10/8/4, the next best combination. There really isn't much tactics to your manoeuvring when you're only controlling two units. This is the first big issue I have with PA; it forces me to game the system at army list creation rather than make a more realistic army that will give more flexibility and fun during games. Sure I could choose to not do this, but if my opponent brings 10/10/2 I'm going to lose to efficiency quite often. There is some arguable mitigation to this in terms of tactical flexibility and less vulnerability to morale if you have more, smaller units, but ultimately any advantage gained there would be drowned by the efficiency of larger units.
I'm not a fan of house rules; my traditional reaction to a game that needs houserules to work is simply to stop playing and find a new game. 15mm games feel to me like something that you should houserule if you don't like the way things play. Fortunately I think this issue can be fixed by small tweaks - some more rigid limits on how elements can be composed combined with possibly a cap on the number of tokens than can be assigned to a single unit should make for a more tactical, less kingmaker-y use of activations.
Each platoon can also have a command unit. Your command units are designated platoon members that are in charge; command units can take an action to pass one of their unit's tokens to another unit, which adds great flexibility to how you spend your tokens but slows you down in terms of activations needed to get to use the token. When you pass a token, you roll a dice; on an 8 you lose the token. I really don't like mechanics like this; command is already self balancing in that you trade speed for flexibility, so this extra downside doesn't need to be there. I'm sure it's fluffily meant to represent the fog of war but I think it detracts from an otherwise cool mechanic, so I'm going to play without it.
Shooting in PA is simple; everything hits on a 2+ on a D8, every item of cover in your line of fire will add a -1/2/3 modifier depending on its thickness in cm (to a maximum of -4) and then there are a few other modifiers (but not too many, which I like); fast units, point blank shooting, large target, etc.
After you hit, the target tries to roll a 4+ on a D8 to save, modified positively by armour rating and negatively by weapon strength. If their weapon strength is 4 higher than the armour value, you get no save. Some weapons roll multiple dice and some weapons score multiple hits per hit; some do both (e.g. a railgun rolls one dice at strength 10 and deals 2 hits if successful; a chain gun has 3 dice at strength 4 and deals 4 hits per hit). Your average Knight has armour 3, the basic Knight gun has Strength 4. Armour saves are rarely better than 50% unless you are being shot by lower tech weaponry. Most infantry can take a single hit before they die; heavier infantry can take 2 or 3 and battlesuits 5.
Melee uses the same mechanics, except that you auto hit. Every model hits once, or more times if they have a melee weapon, and your armour level is your weapon strength - an interesting but reasonable simplification, though I think I'd prefer if troops could carry some tank-busting melee weapons. As with shooting, surviving defenders get to hit you back.
Onto my bugbear with the combat system - hit allocation. The player with initiative decides how to allocate hits. What this means is that if you win initiative, all of your multi-wound units are going to have hits evenly distributed so they don't die, and all of your heavy weapons in units are safe from fire until their friends are dead; meanwhile you are taking out enemy battesuits by stacking up hits on the same model, and sniping the expensive weaponry out of enemy units. In my opinion, hit allocation shenanigans are not good for anyone and have no place in a modern wargame - it's gamey, and detracts from the enjoyment of the game by introducing a metagame mechanic. Fortunately there is an easy fix, and that is having either the attacker or defender always assigning the hits to models. Better again is to force assignation of hits to the same model until it dies (avoiding multi-wound-model hit distribution silliness and meaning less wounds to track with markers). My preference would be to have the defender always assign the hits and state that hits must always be allocated to already-damaged models first. Game simplified, unnecessary gameyness gone.
Between the ease of hitting things if they aren't in cover and the superiority of offence over defense, the poor denizens of the Ion Age do not last long on the battlefield, which is the primary reason the game is pretty quick to play.
Any time your unit suffers casualties, you check morale. It's a simple test with a few modifiers (more modifiers than I would like, but not as many as some games) and if you fail it you get a "re-motivate" token, subsequent failed checks can stack up extra tokens. As mentioned earlier this is basically a pinning mechanic (though your units do count as "broken" whilst they have a token and you lose the game if all of your units still on the board have re-motivate tokens!); every re-motivate token requires you to spend an action token to get rid of it, and until you do so you can't take other actions. I absolutely love this representation of morale/pinning and think it's even better than my previous favourite system for morale and pinning, used by Gates of Antares.
Contained in the book are a plethora of tables as well as some loose platoon construction rules. We're told how the in-game factions are organised but that other armies use different organisational structures, so these rules come across as more of a suggestion than a hard and fast rule.
We're given a big table of armour and weapon stats. We're told what weapons certain units generally take in the in-game fluff, what weapons they must take, what armour they must take (there are only a handful of armour types and they are essentially part of the model's core stats). We get points values for everything.
We also get a small selection of special skills with which to personalise units. Veterans who remove their first re-motivate token every turn for free, Brawlers who get an extra dice in melee, that sort of thing. I would have definitely liked to have seen more of these and hope that we will get more in a future expansion - they really add interesting flavour to your squads and variation to your available tactics.
There is also a list of squad types, and the "demis" (think Space Marine combat squads) or "posts" (2 man teams) that can be chosen to make up those squads. These are essentially pre-equipped, small blocks of troops that follow the lore and that you can use as building blocks to flesh out a squad, but they don't have to be used - they're more of a guide to army organisation in the Ion Age, or a shortcut to building an army if you'd prefer not to arm each guy individually.
The system is clearly written for what I think is the most common 15mm audience. It's rigid enough that you can see how the author intended for the game to be played whilst being loose enough to feel like you can personalise your army. You can stick to the fluff organisational structure or go full on custom, or some hybrid of the two. The only people this won't satisfy are the people who prefer a single way of doing things - this does include me, and I think the list building would be stronger if it fully retained the customisation options whilst wrapping them in appropriate rigid rules (such as the number of troops in an element to combat the activation issues mentioned earlier). It would avoid players having to agree on an organisational ruleset to use and simplify things by having a single way of doing things. That said, it is still a great system, less open to abuse than free-form unit builders whilst still letting you do an awful lot.
The only other thing that I can see potentially being off are the points values themselves. It's clear just looking at stats that some weapons are pretty useless and you'd only take them for fluff reasons; a good example of this are Plasma Rifles, which exchange range and strength compared to a normal rifle for doing two extra hits when fired. But, this comes at the cost of being a support weapon, meaning you can't move and fire nor return fire when shot at; simply not worth it. Another example is the Shia Khan "Nox" unit, almost identical to a Retained Knight but gets 3 hitpoints instead of 1 for just a couple of extra points - I can't see how that could ever be balanced.
Nonetheless, the points system is functional and very playable, and I don't think I would like PA nearly as much if it didn't have it. For most people I think any points imbalance won't be an issue, but if there are imbalances, I'd love to see a tweaked and heavily tested points system that would lead to even more balanced and tactical games.
It's difficult to compare 15mm rulesets because they're often so different, so rather than try I'll simply say this; Patrol Angis stands on its own laurels as an exemplar of modern wargaming. It is quick to play, it has elegant systems, and it is not overburdened by rules. It has a working points system. It benefits greatly from the awesome fluff of the Ion Age and the miniatures that go with it but could easily be used for any 15mm games you want to play. Despite its billing as a one-platoon skirmish game I can't see any reason why it wouldn't hold up well with 10+ units on the board.
It's certainly my favourite set of 15mm rules so far, and ticks more of the boxes than most 15mm rulesets do for a modern mainstream wargamer. In fact, it ticks more boxes than a lot of mainstream wargames do, too. I do think it needs a couple of houserules to be at it's best but I that could be said for any game. I'm genuinely looking forward to continuing my Ion Age journey and hopefully I can pick up some more players along the way.
I think this game also has potential to be a good tournament game, and that is something that most games can't claim. It plays fast enough to work well for events, and the ruleset is almost tight enough as I've discussed. With even a basic set of scenarios and a standard scoring system it could work great - I'd certainly be up for trying to host an event at my store if we could get the player numbers for it.
If you're on the fence about picking up the book, my advice would definitely be to do so. It's available as a good quality paperback book and also a PDF (I bought both). And if you're considering taking the plunge into 15mm, remember that you only need about 20 models - that's £10 in English monies - to field a platoon. There's also an awesome starter deal that comes with the rules and two small forces (which are all from the same faction, so you can combine them all into one force when you're finished practising) for just £40.
I'd love to hear any feedback on this article from Ion Age players, or potential Ion Age players who are swayed one way or another by this review. And as soon as I'm done painting and modelling I'll be posting some Ion Age battle reports here so stay tuned!
Cheers and thanks for reading!
Sometime near the end of 2015, I was engaging in typical gaming magpie behaviour and looking around for something new to do. I was perusing the Ground Zero Games website for Full Thrust miniatures (a spaceship game I played years ago) and ended up browsing their 15mm range. One thing lead to another and before I knew it, I was a member of the 15mm Sci-Fi Gaming group on Facebook, learning about the wonderful world of 15mm Sci-Fi gaming (herefafter referred to as "15mm"). I opened Justplay in February of 2016 so my foray into the hobby went on hiatus, but I'm starting it again now in earnest. Whilst I'm at this point, I really wanted to get some thoughts down on interwebs paper about this underappreciated scale and everything that comes with it.
You will have noticed that I'm referring to a whole genre of games by their scale. We don't generally refer to 40k/Age of Sigmar/Warmachine/Malifaux/Guild Ball/etc as a collective "28mm", so why do we do it with 15mm? In my opinion, it's because 15mm games and miniatures form part of a larger ecosystem. 40k and Warmachine have no crossover; they have their own unique rules and miniatures, they have no reason to be collected together when you're talking about them. 15mm, however, very much takes a "do what you like" approach. There are tons of rulesets out there, ranging from rules produced by 15mm manufacturers to rules written by rules shops for other peoples' miniatures. Equally there are tons of model ranges from a whole slew of manufacturers; the idea is that you mix and match infantry, support weapons, tanks, APCs, mechs, and more to your hearts' content, pick the ruleset you like the most, and play. As someone who has played "mainstream" games for their entire life, this is a very liberating experience.
Unfortunately, I think it's also 15mm's greatest downfall. In any game - even mainstream ones - arranging games is not always the easiest thing in the world. Throw into that equation a chaotic assortment of rules and the chances of you finding a regular group like-minded players (who you didn't introduce to the hobby yourself and enforce your will on at the time...) is lower again. Additionally, most rulesets are not particularly tight - they are very vulnerable to minmaxing and there is lots of room for interpretation, which means that if you're playing an opponent with whom you don't have a good social contract then there is a fair chance that one or the other of you will (on purpose or by accident) do something overpowering that takes some fun out of the game. This cuts down your pool of potential opponents even further.
There is a frankly incredible amount of choice when it comes to picking your miniatures for 15mm games. Imagine if every mainstream game on the market were mashed into one, and you could mix and match ranges to make your perfect army. Now imagine that you can go out and buy any number of model kits or toys - anime mecha, Matchbox tanks, old toy ranges - and add them to your options too. You really can build the army of your dreams with aesthetic and fighting styles that suit you as a person and a player.
When people are new to the hobby, as I was a couple of years ago, the first question they ask is invariably "where do I look for models?", and the answer is generally a very long list of (awesome) 15mm manufacturers. It's so long, that the sheer amount of choice can become overwhelming and the only way that you can break into the 15mm world is to put in some research time. For some people this isn't a problem, but a lot of gamers (particularly in our modern, hyperspeed culture) would simply prefer a list of models to choose from. This problem is compounded by having to choose a ruleset and rules for your specific models. The things that might put people off are only small things, but they add up.
When people do research into what models are available, another barrier to entry is a simple one; 15mm manufacturers' websites are often lacking. I get the impression that a lot of 15mm manufacturers are pretty old school and have been making models for a number of years, and I know for a fact that a lot maintain their businesses as either one-man bands, a semi-hobby besides a "real" job, or similar. This leads to many sites looking like they were written by a HTML student in the early 90s, and means sites are sometimes difficult to navigate, lack pictures of models (or pictures of painted models), and so on. 100% of people that I've shared the glory of GZG with have immediately said to me "where are the pictures?" or "why are there no painted models?" and though this shouldn't be a deal breaker, it's just more small things adding up.
I'd like to be clear that any failings in technology and photos are more than made up for by the incredible level of customer service that most/every 15mm outfit offers; you'll be hard pressed to find any 15mm manufacturers that the community won't vouch for many times over. The producers of these minis genuinely love what they do and it shows in their dealings with their customers (and you'll find many of them on the 15mm scifi Facebook page regularly involved in discussions about any given topic).
There is one more very important thing you really need to know; 15mm is incredibly cheap to play. For example, I use GZG's NSL range of infantry, and if you scroll down to the Panzergrenadier models (SG15-N14) you'll see that you get 8 of them for just £3. There are packs with heavy weapons of various kind as well as basic infantry and command troops. You can buy 40 assorted models (£15) and pay postage (£3) and have an army of men for under £20 with which to play your 15mm game of choice. That's incredible by anyone's standards. You can add tanks and APCs for £7-8 each.
The pic above is from an article by magigames entitled "This is what $85 buys you in 15mm Sci-Fi". I think you'll agree that this is pretty damn impressive!
Let's recap; a lot of choice of rules and models, which is fantastic. But choice can be overwhelming, and that's what we have to help potential new players to get past.
I think that 15mm is incredible, if you're willing to look past its flaws - but what game, doesn't have flaws? The answer is none, and the only difference is that the flaws of more mainstream games only tend to become apparent once you've read the rules and played the game. The flaws of many mainstream games are such that people would happily stop playing them once they realise that there is poor game balance, bad support, or otherwise; it just happens that the flaws of 15mm are primarily marketing issues so 15mm doesn't tend to attract the player numbers in the first place that many other games do attract and don't really deserve to keep.
There are barriers to entry to the hobby, sure, but nothing that can't be overcome by a little research and time investiture. Investing this time is actually a lot of fun; browsing tons of model ranges, checking out rulesets, and interacting with the 15mm community. I think that the reward is worth the effort.
I do think that there is a lot that the 15mm world could do to improve, but due to the nature of the varied manufacturers and game type it might never happen. There are certainly room for more 15mm games that present a unified offering of "here are the rules and the armies to go with them"; my current squeeze is The Ion Age, which has its own rules, armies, and points values all contained under one well-organised roof (reviews of their stuff coming very soon from me). I do think there is also the outside possibility of "one true ruleset" happening but I think it would take a lot of work to get there, but if the day did ever come where this happened - and even better, a tournament scene became a thing - I think I might just explode with delight.
If I haven't convinced you yet, then the last thing I'll say is that the 15mm community is truly exceptional. It's one of the most mature and welcoming internet communities I think I've ever seen. If you missed the link earlier, you can find a huge 15mm Sci-Fi Facebook page here (the admins are on US time so sometimes take a while to accept new members). If you like sci-fi wargaming, you owe it to yourself to check the page out and do a little research into the wonderful world of 15mm.
Thanks for reading; check back soon for more 15mm content!
Hi Guys!
Welcome to the first post on my new blog! My name is Ian, and I'm a serial gamer. I'm also lucky enough to own JustPlay. Although we regularly write about popular games on our gaming blog, I also wanted to do some writing about some personal projects and other gaming bits that don't really fit there so I figured it could live here instead - and hopefully it may also be of interest to some of you.
I want to quickly introduce myself, for context in articles to come (because I think it helps to have the context of the writer's preferences when reading an article), I'm a competitive gamer, and I play everything from online games to CCGs to wargames. Whilst most of my competitive gaming time has been spent playing CCGs or online games, I've also been playing miniatures games since the early 90s (I'm 34 now, at the time of writing). I do generally play games to win to some degree or another, depending on the game; something like Frostgrave has a more RPG attitude, for example. I definitely play miniatures games more casually than other games; "casual competitive" is my style. I like my armies to be cool, and fun. To me the point of miniature games is the visual and no matter how competitive you are, if you aren't in it for the models you might as well be playing Chess or Go. This attitude informs my gaming preferences and colours my views; I like a tight ruleset, and I don't like games that are just snakes and ladders with models. I like games that involve decisions, tactics, and are deep without being overburdened by rules. I like cool miniatures. I like awesome scenery. I like winning, but it's secondary to having a great game.
I can't paint - something which frustrates me enormously since I have so little time and inclination to learn. I do go through phases of dabbling, though, and I'm OK with an airbrush.
Anyway, that's enough about me and this blog. Enjoy the articles and please do Tweet me or get in touch in one of the many Facebook groups I'm active on if you have any comments!